Offset seco 75/76 Serie

Low Migration Dry Offset Inks

The production of ultra-safe food packaging requires the right choice of printing ink and coating systems. La 75/76 Series ink is low migration UV dry offset printing inks for plastic food containers. Due to their scuff resistance and strong adhesion, la 75/76 inks resist the migration of ink components into food & drug containers.

Actual migration results can be affected by processing factors such as package design, sufficient through-cure of the ink film and sufficient barrier properties of the substrate. These products are not recommended for direct food contact.


+ Alto brillo / High transparency
+ Baja nebulización
+ Altas velocidades de curado
+ Reología de flujo libre
+ pigmentación densa
+ Química de radicales libres
+ Excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates
+ Low Extraction and Migration
+ Poco olor
+ libre de COV


76 SERIE (Non Overprintable)
Food and industrial plastic containers
+ Cured ink cannot be overprinted with clear varnish

75 SERIE (sobreimprimible)
+ Tubes and other preformed containers
+ Cured ink can be overprinted with clear varnish and is recommended


+ polipropileno (PÁGINAS)
+ Polietileno (PEAD & PEBD)
+ Tereftalato de polietileno (MASCOTA, APETITO)
+ Copolímero de acrilonitrilo-butadieno-estireno (abdominales)

+ Poliestireno (PD)
+ Cloruro de polivinilo (CLORURO DE POLIVINILO)
+ Apto para envases de plástico inyectado o termoformado.
* Se recomienda realizar pruebas adecuadas antes de seleccionar los sustratos..